Lecture Series 2018-04-03T19:07:16-04:00


Join us!


Bring family and friends together for an evening’s discussion with Ashraf Ramelah, founder of Voice of the Copts. Come together to hear about global human rights issues — a brief presentation followed by a question and answer session. Sign up for any of the following Voice of the Copts’ lectures. You select the topic below; we bring the dessert!


Living Room Lecture and dessert Series
with Dr. Ashraf Ramelah


If you are interested in opening your home to sponsor an opportunity to share with others eye-opening information, please get started by signing up for one of the following 30-minute talks. Just email us at lrlads@voiceofthecopts.org.


History of the Copts of Egypt
The 2011 Egyptian Revolution
Language of the Koran: Arabic verses
Kidnapping of Egyptian Coptic girls and Forced Conversion to Islam
Truth about Shariah Islamic Law
Islam: Is it a religion?


Email us at lrlads@voiceofthecopts.org with available dates and time, and we will confirm with you. Let us know the number of attendees. Please remember to make the tea, and we’ll bring the dessert!

Please Note:

– Voice of the Copts is not politically affiliated and is not under the authority of the church.
– This Lecture is offered FREE OF CHARGE. Sponsorship of this event is on a volunteer basis.
– Some locations might be prohibitive due to travel distances.