The personal stories of Egyptian refugees – Series No.14 of 22

The personal stories of Egyptian refugees – Series No.14 of 22

By | 2018-06-23T01:43:27-04:00 June 23rd, 2018|Reports|0 Comments

 The following narratives introduce individuals who are detained in refugee camps. They are in desperate need of the La Casa Futura project currently underway by Voice of the Copts. Egyptian youths have been uprooted and displaced for various reasons all related to religious persecution. Names have been changed to protect identities. Narratives are based on true accounts of actual events.


Atef rides the buses through the streets of Cairo. Every day he takes a huge risk. His wrist is tattooed with a religious symbol specifying his beliefs. If it’s noticed by others a fight could break out, and it would not end well for Atef. He has witnessed this many times while taking public transportation. Why is this acceptable? Why do such crimes go unpunished?

Atef is relegated to an oppressed underclass. His Egyptian ancestors were converted to Christianity almost two thousand years ago. However, the regime controlling Egypt is descended from their conquerors and occupiers, and that’s why nothing will ever change. You would think by now this would no longer matter. But even advanced technology of the modern world cannot change a fascist regime based on 7th century religious law.  

Atef is amazed that in the West no one really minds what a neighbor’s religious belief is. In Egypt it is more important than life itself. Minorities suffer violence for this very reason. Atef sees no point in religious warfare and just wants to worship in peace.   

Today, Atef resides in a refugee camp outside of Egypt. He wants to be free to worship and be defended for his right to do so. For the first time, he sees this as a real possibility.

Atef needs our help to make it. If he is to remain, he will need to be prepared for independence and a new citizenship. The La Casa Futura project will assist him to do just this.

The project needs your help to help Atef and others like him.

Donating $5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or more to this vital program will serve to prepare and assimilate Egyptian youth into their new culture. Please donate today to save lives and build futures!                                                                           

Please donate today by clicking the link below.

Donate for La casa Futura

Thank you. 

 La Casa Futura project currently consists of one dormitory building providing help for up to 100 youths per session. Each session provides language learning, job direction, and cultural understanding. LCF is in its initial stage of development as we seek financial backers and matching funds for individual donation