The personal stories of Egyptian refugees – Series No.11of 22

The personal stories of Egyptian refugees – Series No.11of 22

By | 2018-06-08T11:08:52-04:00 June 8th, 2018|Reports|0 Comments

The following narratives introduce individuals who are detained in refugee camps. They are in desperate need of the La Casa Futura project currently underway by Voice of the Copts. Egyptian youths have been uprooted and displaced for various reasons all related to religious persecution. Names have been changed to protect identities. Narratives are based on true accounts of actual events.

Fawsi is 17 years-old. Until now, he lived with his parents and siblings in an apartment building in Cairo. He always attended church service on Sunday morning in his neighborhood. In the Sunday morning service one week after New Year’s Day, he found the congregation overwhelmed by sorrow and grief. He soon learned what happened.

The sad news Fawsi heard was this. One week before, two men from church were walking home from the New Year’s celebration mass with their small children when they stopped to greet a friend at his retail store along the way. Gunmen waiting in ambush for anyone coming from the church that night came up fast upon them and opened rapid fire. Both men were killed. The children witnessed the murder of their fathers and watched the jihadists flee.

The traumatizing event was nothing unusual for Fawsi’s community and church. They are accustomed to being targets of violence because of their “offending” religion. Fawsi finds the situation hopeless. The systemic prejudice and cultural oppression is ending his future before it begins. The policies of the Egyptian regime support the problem by allowing the religious doctrine of the majority to influence the state.

Fawsi said his goodbyes to his family and friends. With money stored up from odd jobs, he left for Europe and intends to forge a new life there. His family makes a great sacrifice in seeing him leave. They know his ideals and goals can never be met in their country where terrorism so often strikes their community and the minority is relegated to a second-tier existence.

Fawsi needs our help to make it. In particular, he needs the help of La Casa Futura!  Fawsi has no other alternative. La Casa Futura is customized for Egyptian youth leaving dangerous environments and seeking a safe and prosperous future.

Please help us help Fawsi and others like him reach their goals. Together we can make it possible for them to transition into a new culture. Please donate today.

When you do, your total gift (minus processing fees) will go directly towards the La Casa Futura project.

Thank you!

La Casa Futura project currently consists of one dormitory building providing help for up to 100 youths per session. Each session provides language learning, job direction, and cultural understanding. LCF is in its initial stage of development as we seek financial backers and matching funds for individual donations.