Open leter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

Open leter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

By | 2015-02-14T23:57:37-04:00 February 14th, 2015|Press Releases|0 Comments
Israel’s Voice and Voice of the Copts have partnered together, sending a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to support and stress the urgency of his upcoming March 3 address to a Joint Session of Congress.
Netanyahu’s invitation from U.S. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner to speak before Congress was intended to be for bipartisan purposes — to raise international awareness about the threats posed by global jihad and a nuclear-armed Iran. Yet, his visit has come under attack by the White House administration. Some U.S. members of Congress have already announced they will not attend, and President Obama and Vice President Biden are among those who declined to attend.
Several Jewish and so-called “pro-Israel” organizations like J Street, which has started the Twitter hashtag “BibiDoesntSpeakForMe,” have urged Netanyahu to cancel his speech. Opponents have argued his March 3 address has become too politically charged — that it is too close to Israeli elections and U.S.-Iran negotiations — and it is not the appropriate time.
Israel’s Voice and Voice of the Copts vehemently disagree. The threats posed by Iran’s nuclear program are the most detrimental security risks we could possibly face in our day. As the Washington, D.C., Center for Security Policy analysis clearly confirms, the centrifuges continue to spin, and we have no more time to waste.
If you agree with our following letter to Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu, share it and make it viral through email and any and all other social media platforms you use with the hashtag, #BibiSpeaks4Me.
If you wish to endorse it and for us to include your name in an updated letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, complete the form below or email us at: