Egypt, at this moment, most cell phone and texting services have been suspended, and Twitter usage has been entirely shut down by the state regime as people across Egypt rally in the streets in a second day of protests.
Regime police using pressurized hoses to jet ice cold water into the crowd scattered protesters yesterday, and at least seven people were killed in the street.
In light of the people’s revolution occurring in Egypt at this moment (similar to Tunisia last week) and the Egyptians who are finally asking for their freedom and liberty from a thirty-year dictator who destroyed the economy, culture and the people’s dignity, Voice of the Copts demands justice by calling for the arrest of Mubarak and his family’s member and all other regime members who took part in the damage and ruination of Egypt along with a freeze of all their assets inside and outside the country of Egypt.
We are also demanding that all Western countries refuse acceptance of any member of Mubarak’s family as well as any regime member fleeing from Egypt.
Voice of the Copts condemns Mubarak and his regime partner members for attempting a genocidal plan against the Copts of Egypt and exporting terrorists to the free world to destabilize European countries as well as United States of America and open opportunity for Islamic infiltration and Islamic supremacy.
Furthermore, for Egypt’s arrest of Egyptian intellectuals and freedom fighters, Voice of the Copts demands that all Western countries freeze diplomatic relations with the current Mubarak regime in a sign of solidarity to those oppressed, discriminated against, and persecuted in Egypt.
Voice of the Copts demands that all Western leaders who believes in freedom and human rights extend their hand and power to help those who for over half a century suffered from an illegitimate system that took power over Egypt with false statements of religious freedom and harmony between Muslims and non-Muslims and ruled the country in hypocrisy.
In addition, Voice of the Copts requests that the international criminal courts begin to take action to bring justice to the people regarding atrocities committed by Mubarak and his regime.