U S is planning to give $900 M. aid to Hamas to supposedly build Gaza Strip.  Get mad and write President Obama, your Senators and Dept. of State, I just did. Read the attached letter which I sent to Dept. of State today. You could use the same letter, but change names, or take info. from it and use your own language.  Please circulate this e-mail; we want to give the message to our politicians that charity starts at home. We can't afford to help the whole world particularly those fanatics who caused the misery to themselves.
Fouad G. Girgis
42 Barton Creek Rd.
Jackson, NJ 08527
February 24, 2009
U. S. Department of State
PA/PL Rm. 2206
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC 20520
Dear Mrs. Secretary of State
Re: Protest the Aid to Hamas
I strongly protest giving $900M as aid to Gaza Strip, particularly now with the American Financial Crises that caused American Citizens’ Assets and 401Ks to be badly reduced, and in some cases it almost reach the point of disappearing.
By giving Gaza this aid, you are encouraging the Moslem Fanatics who head Hamas terror regime to repeat their irresponsible policy of attacking Israel.
The aids they are getting from the Arab world, particularly Saudi Arabia tops several Billions already. We do not need to add to this sum. I also believe wholeheartedly that this money will be used by the fanatics there to buy more arms with the help of Saudi Arabia and other Moslem fanatic billionaires in the Arab world,, they think of Americans and non Moslems as infidels that should be killed according Islam, but pretend to be our friends. Also a great deal of this sum will go to the pockets of the very corrupt regime of Hamas who encourage Palestinian women to mass produce children to be used as bombs against Israel later.
Remember Yaser Arafat who left $5 Billion of his personal money to his heirs, while the Palestinians are living in tents in poverty. Do not insult Your American Citizens. You were elected to take care of the American Citizens first. This aid is an irresponsible spending particularly in this financial crisis.
I ask you to reconsider.
Fouad Girgis