Is the world ‘Juden Mude’- tired of the Jews?

Is the world ‘Juden Mude’- tired of the Jews?

By | 2017-07-28T01:38:55-04:00 July 28th, 2017|Op-Eds|0 Comments


The West does not realize that Israel, whose suffering it belittles and ignores, represents a promise for all mankind. Opinion.

By Giulio Meotti – Arutz Sheva

Three Israelis killed in the beautiful Neve Tzuf-Halamish community, a small human masterpiece that the world calls a “settlement”. Three Jews, a father and his two children, butchered while celebrating Shabbat.

Their death is already equated in the media to that of the “three Palestinians killed in clashes in East Jerusalem,”  already a skewed headline.

It is also a case of false moral equivalence. Three Jews murdered because they are Jews are not like three Palestinian Arabs killed while attacking the Israeli defense forces. They want to eradicate Israel, one death at a time. As Hitler wanted to do with European Jewry.

Why is the world staying silent? Is it “Juden müde”- tired of the Jews – as George Steiner told me?

In Gaza, the protests over the metal detectors on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount were interrupted to celebrate the massacre of a father and two children in the Israeli village of Neve Tzuf during the Saturday dinner. Meanwhile, the Palestinian terrorist is already a hero.

Where is the international community?

world is subverting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted after the Holocaust, because the human rights of Israelis kidnapped, beaten and intimidated are now routinely ignored. Their lives have been condemned to be reversed and their blood is not even worthy of compassion. The media dehumanize the victims as “settlers,” using this word to give Palestinian terrorism a milder definition.

What happened in the house at Neve Tzuf is simple: an Arab knife, a Jewish kitchen, and on the ground the bodies of three Jews. On the one hand, a wrong and evil murderer, on the other the righteous and the innocent victims. The same knives killed Westerners last month in London. Or perhaps water flows in the veins of Jews?

The Western world should be very concerned about the fate of tiny Israel and its citizens since it has become the most endangered member of our civilization, that born from the meeting of Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem. The Jewish condition today is again the focal point of enormous battles, from the suburbs of Paris to the houses of Israel.

Judaism and Israel are the cradle of humanity. I wonder what would happen to other democracies without Israel, if from Rawalpindi, Pakistan, to Rabat, Morocco, there was only one reverberating song of the muezzin. No shofar, no church bells. Today this small country is always on the edge between survival and destruction, is in the midst of a region and a religion, Islam, which violently denies its right to exist, suffering the complacency of the European elites who foment war.

Anti-Semitism today also indicates the risk of a huge landslide in Western society and perhaps even its fall. That is what happened 70 years ago.

The Jewish national revival in its homeland, the renaissance of a people endangered for three thousand years, must represent – especially in the eyes of Western civilization – a promise for

Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the personal stories of Israel’s terror victims, published by Encounter and of “J’Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel” published by Mantua Books.. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary.