Europe fears Islam

Europe fears Islam

By | 2017-05-21T21:30:11-04:00 May 21st, 2017|Op-Eds|0 Comments

Terrorists Sneaking into EuropeEurope should not be willing to surrender, it can fight Islam, but is letting terror and wombs bring
Europe to its knees.

By Giulio Meotti – Arutz Sheva

Muslims and Islamic extremists are arriving en masse in a continent that is collapsing demographically and culturally. And there are even important voices, such as that of French philosopher Michel Onfray, who are ready to capitulate and to renounce the Judeo-Christian civilization.

I am not. Europe should not be willing to surrender. Otherwise, nothing will stand on the road between
one billion Muslims and their dream to build a caliphate in Europe. Our hedonists are not even willing to
fight for an Iphone.

Secularization and apathy are killing what Europe built over centuries. The churches are empty
everywhere: Brussels, Milan, London, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin. Even the Pope, Francis, refuses to
talk about Europe. He simply considers it lost. In France there are 80 new priests every year. In Italy you
find the same crazy desperation. Open the televisions during the evening: and you will see how people
are brainwashed with programs about “wellness”: food, sexual pleasure, body care. It is the new Karl
Marx, the “opium of people”.
Unlike the mainstream narrative, the relations between Europe and Islam for fifteen centuries have never
been “a dialogue of civilizations.”
Islamic extremists, meanwhile, launch their challenge: transforming Europe’s democracies according to
their plans for government by sharia and nutrition by halal, in cafes, in food, in clothing, in the whole
idea of ​​the society. They use terror and wombs. In 1914, the Arab world had between 35 million to 40
million people. In 2015, 378 million. In Africa, the population will double to 950 million by 2050,
particularly in the Sahel. During this period, Europe will have lost millions of inhabitants due to aging
and falling fertility. You can imagine the consequences of this historic demographic changing.

Unlike the mainstream narrative, the relations between Europe and Islam for fifteen centuries have never
been “a dialogue of civilizations.” Islam expanded for centuries on the two sides of the Mediterranean
and from India to Ukraine. Pierre Lellouche in his new book “Une guerre sans fin” writes that “over the
last hundred years we created a ‘limes’, a boundary between West and Islam”. That border is collapsing
and Islam is submerging Europe, again.

Europe opened its borders to mass immigration, a phenomenon that political Islam sees as a form of
“peaceful conquest”. Think about France: in forty years, the number of Muslims in France has reached 6
million. These countries have closed their eyes voluntarily. And tomorrow? The demographics will double
in Africa, in Sahel in particular, where 200 million people live. And this mass of people will move north.
To Europe. And it is there that radical Islam is growing.

Islamic extremists are already changing our societies, they have eliminated Theo van Gogh, Charlie
Hebdo, so that today no one says anything about the Prophet of Islam. It means being condemned to
death. Salman Rushdie still lives under a fatwa. All the newspapers and writers have adopted self-
censorship. Muslim suprematists use our freedoms to destroy them. Across Europe there are dozens of
parallel societies, a sort of Kosovo. Molenbeek, in Brussels, is the most famous one. But you find one in
Birmingham, UK’s second largest city, where most of the Jihadists live.

It is not true that we cannot defeat our enemies. In our penal system there are many anti-terrorism
instruments, but Europe refuses to use them for fear of an Islamic insurgency. We are not fighting
seriously. We are saying to people, “learn to live with terrorism”. France, in the past 2 years, refused to
approve all the laws it needed to destroy radical Islam.

Europe fears Islam and is running from its responsability.

A civil war looms in Europe’s future, one of low intensity attacks and reorganizations. Meanwhile, our
élites are betraying both history and people. France’s Education Minister Belkacem has started a program
to erase medieval history from textbooks. The Christian roots of France must disappear.

We’re not winning this war, we are just learning to adapt to terrorism, while facing a process of
Islamization that is an existential threat to Western civilization.

Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the personal stories of Israel’s terror victims, published by Encounter and of “J’Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel” published by Mantua Books.. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary.