‘The writing was on the wall, but Facebook did nothing’

‘The writing was on the wall, but Facebook did nothing’

By | 2017-08-20T09:20:38-04:00 August 20th, 2017|News|0 Comments


Anti-terror group calls to hold Facebook responsible for failure to remove pro-terror incitement. ‘Time for Facebook to apologize.’

By David Rosenberg – Arutz Sheva

An anti-terror group which has prosecuted terrorists and supporters of terrorism in courts around the world is accusing Facebook of ignoring bigoted material and explicit calls to violence which promote and encourage terror attacks.

Less than a day after terrorists ran down pedestrians outside of a popular tourist hotspot in Barcelona, Spain, killing 13 and injuring 80, the Israel Law Center, also known as Shurat Hadin, slammed the popular social media site for allegedly turning a blind eye to incitement to terror.

“We’re not surprised to find that once again, the writing was on the wall, and Facebook did nothing,” said ILC chairwoman Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.

“The murders of dozens of people have been fueled by the wild incitement on social media, yet Facebook continues to look the other way from incitement to violence and support for terrorism. At the same time, [Facebook] has shown that it can remove incitement when it wants to.”

“We demand that Facebook apologize to the public, and removes the incitement for future attacks from its pages. Facebook cannot sit in its ivory tower in Palo Alto doing nothing while innocent people are slaughtered in the streets of Barcelona. Facebook must understand that social networks also have social responsibilities.”

Darshan-Leitner’s statement came just hours after it was revealed that one of the key suspects in the attack, Moroccan-born Driss Oukabir, had shared anti-Israel and anti-Semitic material on his Facebook page.

On his Facebook page, Oukabir posted an image of a masked gunman clutching a screaming child.

Underneath the picture Oukabir wrote: “Alas! What has happened to our Arabism. Even the children haven’t been rescued from the Israeli occupation. Post this video to be watched by the whole people in the world.”

The post was made just hours after an Arab terrorist broke into the Salomon family home in Halamish (Neve Tzuf) on July 21st and murdered Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya, 46, and son Elad, 35.

Oukabir also shared a Spanish video on Facebook entitled “What is Zionism? A Brief Introduction”, Jewish Agency spokesman Avi Mayer reported.

The video includes classic anti-Semitic canards and accuses world Jewry of plotting to enslave all non-Jews.

“The non-Jews only serve to be slaves of the Jews, to kill a non-Jew is not a sin, it is like killing a dog,” the video claims leaders of the international Jewish conspiracy believe.

In the past, social media networks, chief among them Facebook, have been used by terrorists to encourage others to commit terror attacks against Israelis, prompting Israeli security officials to press Facebook to crack down on incitement to violence.