NYC Rally to Demand Senator Reverse Iran Deal Vote

NYC Rally to Demand Senator Reverse Iran Deal Vote

By | 2015-08-20T23:18:10-04:00 August 20th, 2015|News|0 Comments
After getting thousands to protest the Iran nuclear deal in New York City’s iconic Times Square last month, the Stop Iran Rally is back with a protest planned for September 1, focusing on Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).
The rally is expected to get a large turnout, and will take place in Manhattan at 780 Third Ave on 49th Street, in front of the offices of both Gillibrand and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Gillibrand announced her support of the deal on August 8, hours earlier on the very same day that Schumer came out as the first Democratic senator to oppose the deal.
Calling for Gillibrand to reverse her support, the rally is to convene under the theme: “Gillibrand: never surrender America – join Schumer to oppose this bad deal.”
It will be organized by the Stop Iran Coalition and the Jewish Rapid Response Coalition (JRRC).
“Let Gillibrand and other Senators and Congressmen know: There’s still time to change your mind as the data we have now is clear: this deal is NOT built on verification and supporting it would be the biggest act of treason our country has seen,” wrote organizers of the rally on the movement’s Facebook page.
As noted in the statement, Iran is to inspect its own Parchin nuclear facility where it has reportedly conducted nuclear detonator tests, according to classified deals with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that are being withheld from the US.
Ahead of the rally, organizers have released a radio advertisement to spread the word and urge a large turnout by concerned citizens.