Deputy Leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel Sheikh Kamal Khatib blamed the West for the world’s religious wars, in a fiery Friday sermon at the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque in Kafr Kana last week, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports.
“Their hearts are full of hatred and animosity, yet they talk about human rights,” Khatib began.
He then listed a long history of atrocities the Christians – factually or allegedly – committed against Muslims, including the Spanish Inquisition.
“They would look for homes in which the lights were on early in the morning, in order to check if people had gotten up to pray, or for people wearing clean clothes on Fridays, whom they suspected of honoring this day,” he said. “They would search for anyone who kept torn bits of Quran pages in his home, or anyone whose name sounded Muslim… They would kill them, burn them, slaughter them, and drag their bodies through the streets. This is what they did to us.”
“What did they do to us 20 years ago in Bosnia?” he continued. “What did they do to us two months ago in the Central African Republic? What are the Buddhists in Burma doing to us at this very moment?”
Khatib then made a series of broad accusations.
“The world dares to talk about religious wars?! What kind of a world is this?!” he fired. “In Paris, 128 French people were killed two weeks ago. The ISIS bombings… We are trying to prove that we are not like that. By God, we are so embarrassed that it looks as if we are groveling before them.”
“I am not groveling when I say that this was not [proper] Muslim conduct,” he added, “but still… 120 dead?! What are 120 dead compared to the 40,000 Protestants killed by Catholics in that very same Paris?”
“You have pitted the whole world against Islam, portraying the Muslims as criminals, as bloodsuckers… Every Muslim living among you has become a target! Every veiled woman has become a target, every bearded man has become a target! Anyone who prays is a target! The mosques are targets! You dare to talk about human rights?!”
“Who is behind these religious wars? As I said at the beginning, when you look at the world today, you see that it is bracing itself for religious wars. But who is causing these wars? They are.”
Khatib is the deputy to Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement who was recently sentenced to jail for incitement.
Like Salah, Khatib was recently slapped with a travel ban by Israeli authorities, just before the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel was blacklisted by the Israeli government.