Hamas ‘Reenacts’ Jerusalem Bus Attack

Hamas ‘Reenacts’ Jerusalem Bus Attack

By | 2015-10-30T13:11:07-04:00 October 30th, 2015|News|0 Comments
The Hamas student group in Gaza has released a shocking video “reenacting” the lethal attack on the 78 line bus in Jerusalem this Tuesday, in which Arab terrorists murdered two Jews and wounded 15 others.
The video, revealed by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), can be viewed below. Viewer discretion is advised.
The West Gaza branch of the Islamic Movement, Hamas’s student movement, posted the video on its Facebook page, praising the attack by two terrorists on a bus in the southeastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv. 
Aside from the bad acting and the odd placement of an Israeli flag at back of the bus, the clip didn’t even get the events of the attack right.
While the driver is seen merely sitting and facing forward with his hands up as the carnage takes place behind him in the “reenactment,” in the actual attack the driver was chased from the bus by the knife-wielding terrorist into the 12 line bus immediately behind the bus, and then the terrorists locked in the passengers.
Police forces showed up shortly afterwards and shot their way into the bus, killing one of the terrorists and wounding the second.
A second attack took place in Jerusalem just minutes afterwards, in which a terrorist employee of Bezeq used his company car to attack before getting out and stabbing passersby. One Jew was murdered in the attack, and another moderately wounded.