A Muslim Convert Woman arrested at Cairo Airport Subjected to Grave Police Abuse

A Muslim Convert Woman arrested at Cairo Airport Subjected to Grave Police Abuse

By | 2008-12-15T13:20:00-04:00 December 15th, 2008|News|0 Comments

A woman was arrested at Cairo Airport while traveling to Russia with her husband. She was caught when her name appeared on the observation list of people prevented from leaving the country. A woman was arrested at Cairo Airport while  travelling to  Russia  with her husband.  She was caught when her name appeared on the observation list of people prevented from leaving the country.

Airport passport authorities had  received information that 5 years ago, the 22-year old  Martha Samuel had converted from Islam to Christiaity, changed her name from Zeinab Said, and married the Christian  Fadel Thabet.

She was charged with forging official documents and changing her details.
The Court today ordered her detention for 15 days pending inquiries.

Dr. Naguib Gibraeel, President of the ‘Egyptian Union’ Human Rights Organization advised in his Press Release that Martha has been subjected to police abuse including the threat of being raped if she does not convert back to Islam.  An official complaint will be lodged by him with the Egyptian general prosecutor tomorrow, on grounds of these abuses.