Iranian Students Storm British Embassy

Iranian Students Storm British Embassy

By | 2011-11-30T09:11:35-04:00 November 30th, 2011|News|0 Comments

Iranian students stormed the British embassy in Iran, tore down the Queen’s picture and burned the British flag Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu – Israel National News   Iranian students Tuesday stormed the British embassy in Iran, tore down the Queen’s picture and burned the British flag three days after the Islamic Republic ordered the British ambassador to leave the country. “Down with Britain”, “Down with America”, “Down with Israel” and “Students are Awake and Hate Britain” were among the slogans chanted by the protestors, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported. The studentsraised the Iranian flag in place of the British flag. Iranian state television showed dozens of students throwing stones at the embassy’s windows as they raided the building. Once inside, they threw firebombs. No injuries were reported so far. In what appeared to a government-organized protest, the students carriedphotographs of nuclear scientist Majid Shahriari and IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani, both of whom were killed, allegedly by Mossad agents. Iran is furious at Britain for backing the United States and targeting Iranian financial institutions with sanctions as Iran continues its unsupervised nuclear development.