Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza to Widen Terror Axis

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza to Widen Terror Axis

By | 2011-10-30T20:43:48-04:00 October 30th, 2011|News|0 Comments

The new Egyptian regime has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to visit Gaza, a move that widens the Iranian-Hamas-Hizbullah terror Axis. Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu – Israel National News   The new Egyptian regime has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to visit Hamas in Gaza, a move that widens the Iranian-Hamas-Hizbullah terror axis. The visit of a delegation of the once-outlawed Egyptian party on Saturday comes two weeks after the provisional military regime played a significant role in brokering the deal to gain the release of 1,027 Arab terrorists and security prisoners from Israeli jails in exchange for the returnof kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. “We came to participate in the joy at the release of brothers. We are proud of them. Resistance proved itself,” deputy Brotherhood chief Goma Amin told reporters. He met with de facto Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had banned the party, which is vehemently anti-Israel and already has won up to 35 percent support in pre-election polls. The Arab language daily Al Masry Al-Youm reported that the visit represents a “shift in Cairo’s posture toward the Palestinian Islamists since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.” The Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned the Hamas terrorist organization, has enjoyed the limelight by opposing Israel while still managing to win praise in the administration of President Barack Obama. Last February, U.S. National Intelligence Director James Clapper told a Congressional committee that that the Muslim Brotherhood was “largely secular” and was working for “a betterment of the political order in Egypt.” He added that its agenda is not the “pursuit of violence, at least internationally.”