The latest updates on the arrest of the Muslim background Christian (MBB) Martha Samuel Makar

The latest updates on the arrest of the Muslim background Christian (MBB) Martha Samuel Makar

By | 2008-12-15T13:30:00-04:00 December 15th, 2008|News|0 Comments

Today Tuesday December 16, 2008, it has been decided to renew (for 15 more days) the custody of our sister Zainab Said Abdel-Aziz who has converted to Christianity and goes by the Christian name of Martha Samuel Makar (24 years) and her husband Fadl Thabet (32 years, Christian).

They have been arrested at Cairo Airport early in the morning on Saturday December 13, 2008 accompanying their two sons (4 years and 2 years). They were trying to travel to Russia using a passport of her Christian name, in order to escape from the continuous chasing of her by the Egyptian police and her own family, who have been trying to kill her for 5 years as a result of her belief in Christianity.

The prosecutor has given the order to release both: Mr. George Hanna Markus (67 years, engineer), AKA Mr. George Abyad and he ministers at different churches in Alexandria, And Mr. Mas’ood Guirges Mas’ood Fam (55 years, lawer), work for the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchateas at Al-Morkosiah Church in Alexandria. This decision was taken as she denied that she knows them and she also confirmed that they had never provided any sort of help to get her identity documents. However, they are not yet released!! It’s worthwhile to mention that our sister Martha Samuel Makar has been subjected to sexual assault trial by some Egyptian police officers at El-Nozha police station; they took off all her clothes by force. The same thing was repeated again to her at the National Security office in Heliopolis, in a trial to force her to return to Islam (by saying Al-Shahadatain). Until this moment, she is still suffering continuous torture and sexual assaults to force her to return to Islam. She has been promised to be released if she returns to Islam. We have known (from our resources) that Martha and her husband Fadl still accompany their two children with them. Our resource has seen them at the National Security office in Heliopolis. Martha will be taken to Al-Qanater prison tomorrow after seeing the “renewal judge”; the two kids will accompany her to the prison! The two children experience a very miserable condition seeing the pain and torture of their own mother (Martha). They also do not receive any suitable food, as the police officers insist on keeping the two kids hungry as a sort of pressure on their mother (Martha). Also, she is not capable on looking after them and keeps them clean (she does not have their dippers). Fadl Thabet (the husband) has been taken to the National Security office in Alexandria (Somoha District) to resume the investigations with him. We ask you all to keep Martha Samuel Makar in your prayer in order to release her, her kids and her husband. From our website (Egypt for Christ ministry) warn Mr. Habib Al-Adly (the Egyptian Interior Affair Minister) from the consequences of surrendering Martha to her Muslim family. In an earlier precedent, General Waleed Fayed, the chief of Eastern Alexandria police station before being the chief of Sidi-Gaber polis station, has surrendered (MBC) Marian Eliah Salib (AKA Shayma’a Abdel-Hamid) to her muslim family, and we have no idea about destiny until now!! We ask everyone who is concerned about the human rights inside or outside Egypt to intervene immediately to rescue our sister Martha and her two kids suffering in the seven-time heated persecution furnace. Rasha Nour, Egypt for Christ Ministry