PA Group Used UNICEF Logo Without Permission

PA Group Used UNICEF Logo Without Permission

By | 2010-03-28T17:12:00-04:00 March 28th, 2010|News|0 Comments

Responding to a complaint by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) and a report by Israel National News, UNICEF, the United Nations body charged with ensuring the welfare of children around the world, said that a PA non-governmental agency (NGO) improperly used the UN group's logo on an ad that promotes anti-Semitism.

The story, as reported by Israel National News, said that the PA youth organization, PYALARA (Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation), put out an ad that shows an axe destroying a Star of David. The large Star of David that had been destroyed was decorated with stars and stripes, presumably representing the USA, and an additional smaller Star of David – a common theme in anti-Semitic cartoons that imply Jewish control of the U.S. On the axe that destroys the Star of David (see image at right) is the command, "Boycott!".

On its website, PYALARA says that it "has been chosen by UNICEF as a major strategic partner in Palestine," and that it has been funded by UNICEF since 2000. Adorning the ad is the UNICEF logo.

According to PMW‘s Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, the advertisement is "another example of the misuse of UN funding."

In response, UNICEF issued a letter that said that the PA organization used its logo without authorization. UNICEF, the group said, "does not endorse the use of violent imagery and abhors the inappropriate use of its logo to suggest otherwise. UNICEF was not consulted by PYALARA about the use of its logo in a poster announcing a youth broadcast and it condemns the use of its logo to imply endorsement of political opinions. Neither the poster nor the television program it advertises reflect UNICEF’s policies or its views. UNICEF’s partnership agreement with PYALARA ended in January 2010," the UNICEF statement said.

"As soon as this incorrect use of the logo came to its attention, UNICEF contacted PYALARA to demand an explanation and to seek rectification. UNICEF has also demanded clarification as to the actual process and context in which the logo was used," the statement continued, adding that "UNICEF’s policy is clear on the use of its logo. Standard agreements with partners require prior approval in writing for the use of the UNICEF brand. PYALARA did not follow this process and UNICEF approval was not sought or granted."

The UN group acknowledged that it has been funding PYALARA since 2000, supplying the organization with about $100,000 a year, but that In light of the latest development, UNICEF will be carefully reviewing any proposed future partnerships with PYALARA."