Residents of Sderot heard the familiar “Color Red†rocket warning siren on Sunday night after weeks of relative quiet as Gaza terrorists attacked. Terrorists fired an estimated four mortar shells toward Israeli towns adjacent to northern Gaza.
No injuries were reported in the attacks.
Security officials in the Gaza belt area admitted that the attacks caused some confusion at first, as the rocket warning system identified several projectiles en route, but no rocket blasts were heard. After a short time, a first response team found recently fired mortar shells near the Gaza security barrier.
Gaza terrorists have stepped up their attacks over the past several days after several weeks in which attacks were infrequent. On Saturday, terrorists fired a rocket at western Negev communities; on Saturday night, the IAF demolished a tunnel in northern Gaza.
The increase in attacks from Gaza follows political and military instability within Gaza. Two weeks ago, dozens were killed in a clash between Hamas and a rival terrorist group in southern Gaza. On Saturday night, bombs were set off at a Hamas prison, causing no injury.