Press Release
On behalf of Voice of the Copts, President Dottore Architetto Ashraf Ramelah announces the following information regarding the Egyptian citizen, Mr. MOHAMMED BISHOY HEGAZY and FAMILY MEMBERS.
That due to the religious discrimination driven by the Egyptian regime against its citizens, especially those who desire to change their faith, and as requested by Mr. Mohammed Bishoy Hegazy , and his Egyptian lawyer, Mr. Ashraf Edward, convey this case of religious discrimination to the international body to grant judgment.
Today, January 22, 2010, the European Centre for Law and Justice, an international non for-profit law firm with special Consultative Status with ECOSOC, submitted to the UNITED NATIONS Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR BELIEF, an application seeking judgment against the Egyptian government for its refusing to recognize the fact that Mr. Mohammed Bishoy Hegazy and his family members are Christians converted from Islam. Furthermore, Mariam, their two year old daughter, was born of two Christian parents, and her birth certificate must state the correct information related to her faith.
A founding principle of Voice of the Copts is to do whatever possible to strengthen the voice of all those discriminated against and oppressed in Egypt and other parts of the world, their voices to be heard and justice to be accomplished.
Voice of the Copts congratulates Mr. Mohammed Bishoy Hegazy for his courage to fight for his rights and his freedom of religion as well to Mr. Ashraf Edward, attorney of record who took a great risk in contacting our offices asking to initiate this case, and believing in the religious freedom that every living citizen must have which is the freedom to decide the proper faith without regime oppression.
A special gratitude to Dr. Grégor Puppinck and his offices for the dedication in serving human rights around the world.
Voice of the Copts will follow with a press conference regarding this matter and the recent massacre of Coptic Christians on Christmas Eve. The date and location for the press conference will be announced in a separate release.