Stop Anti-Semitism Foundation hosts Holocaust Memorial Day in Sheepshead Bay

Stop Anti-Semitism Foundation hosts Holocaust Memorial Day in Sheepshead Bay

By | 2014-05-14T12:02:48-04:00 May 14th, 2014|Media|0 Comments
Holocaust survivors, Jews and other community members gathered today at the Holocaust Memorial Park in Sheepshead Bay to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.
The Stop Anti-Semitism Foundation organized the annual event. It says its goal is to help prevent violence and injustice around the world.
Survivors were present to share stories of their horrific ordeals. The event also featured music, poetry and a moment of silence for those lost.
ХОЛОКОСТ МЕМОРИАЛ Парк в Бруклине возле канала где собрались сотни людей что-бы почтить память 6 миллионов евреев погибших в концлагерях Германии и растреляных в гетто во время 2й Мировой Войны и предотвратить рост антисемитизма во всем мире.