“Children’s Army of Hamas,” a new 11-minute documentary by the Center for Near East Policy Research, shows from up close the training of thousands of children by Hamas, in special terror training and indoctrination camps in Gaza.
Footage for the documentary was shot by a television team hired by the Center for Near East Policy Research.
The video explains that the camps are run with cooperation from UNRWA – which runs the schools that Gaza’s children attend – and features a senior Hamas member who confirms that he is “very pleased with the cooperation with UNRWA.”
Another segment shows a senior Hamas official giving a speech to children dressed in military uniforms and telling them: “You ar the generation that is destined to fight despite the fact that you are so young. You are training for jihad.”
The Center for Middle East Research explains tat UNRWA states on its website that its curriculum is dictated by the Hamas authorities. The Center adds that the military training program, too, is included in UNRWA’s school curriculum.