Hamas has removed any doubts of its cease-fire intentions with a post-truce music video urging “Death to Israel” with “blood and fire.”
The video, translated and reported by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), was aired on Al Aqsa TV the day after the cease-fire was announced, marking the end of Operation of Pillar of Defense.
The lyrics, as reported by PMW , follow: “Destroy the throne of Zion, the house of absolute evil
Raise the banner of victory
Be like the fire of a volcano
Repeat in the name of your Jihad: Death to Israel!
With blood and fire, resist until freedom
Defeat the soldiers of aggression the enemies of humanity.”
Polls have shown that a majority of Israelis, as well as Gaza residents, opposed the cease-fire, with each side predicting it only is matter of time before violence breaks out again.
The only question is if Hamas’s attacks will reach deeper into Israel and cause more damage, as they have in previous escalations.
The constant message in media and in schools to kill Jews, both under Hamas in Gaza and under Fatah in the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas, leaves little doubt that Hamas will not leave its weapons silent.
Any hopes for a change in philosophy are dispelled by other videos that Hamas aired on its TV network during Operation Pillar of Defense aimed at stopping a massive missile and rocket barrage that reached as far north as metropolitan Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
The day the cease-fire was announced, Hamas aired this video promoting the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. The lyrics, in part, state, “We are the [Al-Qassam] Brigades;
Brigades – we kidnap soldiers; Brigades – we kill Jews.”