Hamas MP: ‘Annihilate Jews and Americans’

Hamas MP: ‘Annihilate Jews and Americans’

By | 2012-08-26T22:51:30-04:00 August 26th, 2012|Islam|0 Comments
A senior Hamas legislator has widened the usual call to kill Jews and includes all Americans on his hit list for jihadists.
A video of his speech was translated and uploaded by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).Deputy Speaker of Hamas Parliament Sheik Ahmad Bahr appeared on Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV while addressing a crowd of supporters earlier this month, stating that it is their individual duty to wage jihad in order to “annihilate the Jews and Americans.”
“Oh. Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters,” he intoned. “Oh, Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all without leaving a single one.”
He emphasized that Muslim women can become martyrs without the consent of their husband. Last March, Hamas MP, Mushir al-Masri also called on the “blood of the women of Gaza to be sacrificed in an effort to liberate Jerusalem.”
Hamas officially is the majority party in the Palestinian Authority legislature, having won the first and only democratic elections in 2006, encouraged and supervised by the United States. The following year, Hamas terrorists ended victorious in a bloody war with Fatah terrorists and took control over Gaza while effectively splitting  the PA into two.
The rival Fatah party, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, rules from Ramallah in Samaria.