Help the Copts of Egypt

Help the Copts of Egypt

By | 2014-03-31T17:14:13-04:00 March 31st, 2014|Events|0 Comments
More and more eyes are opened to the pain and injustices around the globe because organizations like Voice of the Copts and others are working together to sharpen the focus on the truth of UNFORTUNATE REALITIES. 
Below, Ashraf Ramelah voices his thoughts on the origin of Voice of the Copts and why the organization is so valuable to the CAUSE OF FREEDOM. 
He begins his letter with “Voice of the Copts is worth all our efforts and sacrifice.” We hope that his words will serve as a reminder of what your support and investment means to a very CRUCIAL VOICE. So as you read his letter please remember that — 
We continue to need your financial help as we continue to do the work on behalf of Copts and human rights.  


Dear Supporters and Contributors,
Voice of the Copts is worth all our efforts and sacrifice! Those we represent suffer immeasurably.  In 2007, when I started Voice of the Copts, my goal was the same as now — to explain the dilemma of Egypt’s Copts to Westerners, especially co-religionists, so that heightened awareness of the horrors of oppression and persecution lead to the right actions. 
Then as now, many hours go into capturing the facts readers need (often not those widely available) to relate to the more than 20 million Copts living under stone-age supremacies in Egypt. 
The years have proven that a vast amount of information arriving from Egypt is very important to the assessment of conditions and the future of Copts and human rights. Additionally, analysis needed to interpret Egypt’s news for a wide audience requires much time and effort, which we are dedicated to investing.
In time I have come to know many noble freedom-fighters — great people across the planet who unveil relevant, consistent truths and fight the same fight as Voice of the Copts. We have mutually edifying voices through numerous channels that reinforce the gravely debilitating and abusive behaviors toward Christians and Jews in Islamic-majority places. 
Not one of these voices should be snuffed out for lack of funds. Our consensus is crucial for today’s free world and freedom-seekers around the world. Please donate now to the work of Voice of the Copts.


Born and raised into Egypt’s adversities and dangers facing Christians and other non-Muslims every day, I know well the great need for those outside these places to hear, learn and reject barbaric behavior and its basis so that we can preserve freedom and liberty around the world. 
My ongoing account of the story of my birth place, its history and its political scene today is one of Voice of the Copts’ particular contributions to a dialogue our enemies wish to shut down. 
I am more committed than ever to this; the free society in which I now reside must have a critical understanding of the stifling bondage into which I was born still in existence today in order for the free world to win the declared war against freedom and democracy. 
Without exaggeration the information that we’ve transmitted via mass e mail and posted on the website has captured the interest of thousands of people around the globe. Such response has increased the weight of our responsibility. However, moreover, I am heartened to know that many have been awakened to the truth and credit Voice of the Copts and many other staunch defenders of freedom — tireless, stalwart citizens from all lands who research, write, speak out, and protest — with creating a problem for the enemies of freedom. 
Please know that your support for and investment in Voice of the Copts and others who stand for justice means the survival of the primary fight for freedom and human rights otherwise absent. Without your generosity, our useful information could not be brought as a warning and preparation against the spread of a democracy-loathing political ideology. 
Thank you. 
In gratitude,
Ashraf Ramelah
Voice of the Copts
President and founder
P.S. If you choose to direct finances to Copts in Egypt, please earmark your funds of $100 or more by noting in the donate comment box your desire to send your donation to a needy Coptic family in Egypt.