News Release -Update

News Release -Update

By | 2010-03-01T16:11:00-04:00 March 1st, 2010|Events|0 Comments

Contact: Dottore Architetto Ashraf Ramelah @

The Egyptian regime will be confronted by the Copts in Washington DC in the following events:
         A peaceful rally against Egyptian regime will take place on Thursday, March
 11th, 2010 (replacing the canceled one for wintry weather) at 1:00pm in front of Egyptian Embassy located In United States’ Capital, 3522 International Court Northwest Washington, DC 20008-3022.  Our pacific protest will ended at 4:00pm. The purpose of our demonstration is indicated in our previous communication:
 – A press conference will take place on Friday, March 12th, 2010 at   1:00pm in Bloomberg Room, National Press Club – Washington DC,    529 14th Street, NW Washington DC, 20045.  

Voice of the Copts, a human rights organization speaking up for more than 15 million Egyptian Coptic Christians living under persecution and oppression, will take this opportunity to detail the recent violent attacks against Coptic Christians in Egypt. Attacks occurred on Coptic Christmas Eve where eight people were massacred. In addition, we plan to give details regarding the application filed on January 22, 2010 with the United Nations Rapporteur for Human Rights presented on behalf of Mohamed Hegazy, a Muslim Egyptian converted to Christianity. Dottore Architetto Ashraf Ramelah, Voice of the Copts’ president, will present an official request to the international bodies to generate an international investigation concerning:

– The Coptic Christmas Eve massacre, bringing to light the master plan and examining persecution and genocide practices under the Mubarak regime. Voice of the Copts has always considered Mubarak a silent partner to murder, torture, rape and other human rights violations against Copts. Furthermore, Voice of the Copts is seeking an indictment against Mubarak and his regime.   Panelist speakers will include:    

  Mr. Ashraf Edward, Attorney of  Record for Mr. Hegazy, on his legal action against the Egyptian regime in Mr. Hegazy’s case and his work in general in defending human rights in Egypt.

  Dr. Grégor Puppinck, Director of the European Center for Law and Justice, who in cooperation with Mr. Edward and Dr. Ramelah, made the application for Mr. Hegazy and presented the application to the United Nations.

  Mr. Jeffrey Imm, Responsible for Equality and Liberty (R.E.A.L.)on supremacism, freedom, human liberty and racial equality. 

  Jordan Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice, on the   service offered by the ACLJ and the work they do on human rights issues.

  Mrs. Faith McDonnell,
the Director of Religious Liberty Programs, on the oppression of women in the Arab World.   

   Dr. Nazir Bhatti, Pakistan Christian Congress, on Pakistan’s blasphemy law, threats, attacks, and killings of Christian religious minorities in Pakistan.

  Shaheryar Gill, American Center for Law and Justice, on their cooperation with the Voice of the Copts application submitted to the United Nations Rapporteur for Human Rights.  

For more information about Voice of the Copts and these issues, please visit our English web site:
Italian web site: 

Rally information: 

Press release on Application: 

Application to United Nations Human Rights Rapportuer: