Rally in Support of Egyptian Coptic  

Rally in Support of Egyptian Coptic  

By | 2010-02-08T05:39:00-04:00 February 8th, 2010|Events|0 Comments

VOICE OF THE COPTS a Human Rights organization is to organize a peaceful demonstration on February 26, 2010 at 1:00 pm in Washington DC in front of the Egyptian Embassy located at: 3522 International Court Northwest Washington, DC 20008-3022                                              

The purpose of this event is to be part of the broader Coptic appeal to the international community concerning the persecution plan in effect from the Egyptian regime. Furthermore, to bring the attention of the international community to the religious discrimination in Egypt that forced us to support and appeal to United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom Of Religion or Belief on behalf of Mr. Mohamed Hegazy, a Muslim converted to Christianity.

The human rights organization, VOICE OF THE COPTS, with offices In Italy and USA, invites all human rights organizations, activists, and freedom loving citizens to join us in our demonstration to show support for this good cause.

On January 7, 2010, the Coptic Christmas Eve, eight people were massacred leaving mass celebration in a town known as Nag Hammadi located in Upper Egypt.

This massacre is part of plan by the regime to force Copts out of the country, our peaceful demonstration is to protest and expose to the world the unprovoked, continuous and escalating criminal acts against the defenseless and peaceful Copts in Egypt, their families, their homes, their property and the defaming of their Christian religion by the Islamic extremists, encouraged by the policy adopted by the Egyptian regime.   

The list of human rights violations against the Christian Copts is too long, as long as the 1,432 years of suffering, discrimination and oppression since the Islamic invasion of Coptic Egypt.

We want to reiterate our rightful demands to the entire world:

      – We seek the deletion of Islamic Laws from the Egyptian Constitution

      – The return of all abducted Coptic women to their families immediately.

– We want equal rights for more than 15,000,000 Copts in their own homeland.

– We want protection of life and property for the Copts.

– We want freedom of faith.

– We want laws to be passed which guarantee freedom to build our places of worship equal to the rights given to Muslims, without having to beg for permission every time a renovation to even a church lavatory is required.

-   We want the Coptic file taken away from the hands of the radical Islamist State Security.

-   We want a just and fair representation to more than 15,000,000 Copts in public life, and their right to organize themselves in civil non-religious organizations.

-   We want the immediate release of our innocent Coptic priest Father Metaos. 

– We want an international investigation regarding the Coptic Christmas massacre and the mind behind it.

We want an international investigation to assure that no organs were transported illegally from the victim’s body during the autopsy.    

              ENOUGH IS ENOUGH 

-  We say no more to attacks on our churches and monasteries with no protection from the authorities.

-  We say no more to Muslims killing Copts without being convicted,

    following Shariah law of the non-conviction of any Muslim for a crime

    committed against a Christian. Coptic blood is equal to Muslim blood.

– We say no more to the regime’s plan of systematic abduction, rape and

     forced Islamization of Coptic teenage girls, in conspiracy with the

    extremists and the security forces.  

-   We say no more to the enforced Islamization of Christians in Egypt. Even our monks have been subjected to torture to renounce their faith.

-   We say no more to the marginalization of Copts.

-   We say no to the government’s plan for the Islamization of Egypt.

-   We say no to the government’s plan to eradicate the Coptic identity.

–   We say no to any disrespect to our Christian faith.

We appeal to United States Congress, all European countries and their Parliaments, Western presidents and citizens to stand up in favor of those who lost their basic human rights and freedom of religion.

Let us together send a strong message to the Egyptian regime that such policies will not be tolerated by the free and civilized world.

We ask everyone who believes in freedom and human rights to help us defend the rights of the Copts in Egypt for their freedom and security. Support us to obtain justice and stop the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the Copts. 

For any information please contact us on the following e-mail address: