Press Releases

Jihadists strike again, 25 Copts die in Cairo church bombing: Voice of the Copts urges reforms

By | 2017-05-19T20:16:13-04:00 December 17th, 2016|Press Releases|

Members of the Voice of the Copts community offer sincere condolences to the Coptic families mourning today for the loss of loved ones as a result of Sunday’s (Dec 11) bombing of the Botrossia Church in Cairo that killed at least 25 people attending mass. We grieve with our brothers and sisters and pray that

Open letter to the Egyptian president: If you can’t fulfil your promises step down!

By | 2016-08-16T15:56:24-04:00 August 16th, 2016|Press Releases|

Open letter to the Egyptian president:   If you can’t fulfil your promises step down!     President Al-Sisi For the first time since your installation as president, Copts in the United States protested the persecution of Copts in Egypt. The protest in Washington, DC on August 2 against your regime was symbolic; no one

Truth for Giulio Regeni

By | 2016-07-11T04:44:32-04:00 July 11th, 2016|Press Releases|

For over four months, the Egyptian government has refused to submit the documents requested by the Italian judicial authorities concerning the assassination of Giulio Regeni, an Italian citizen.    Reaction to Regeni’s death was reflected in the Italian Parliament with the approval in the Senate on June 28 of an amendment that blocks the sale

Verita’ per Giulio Regeni

By | 2016-07-11T04:27:18-04:00 July 11th, 2016|Press Releases|

Per oltre quattro mesi il governo Egiziano ha rifiutato di presentare i documenti richiesti dalle autorità giudiziarie Italiana, in merito all’assassinio di Giulio Regeni, cittadino Italiano.  La reazione su quel delitto si è concretizzata nelle aule del Parlamento Italiano con l'approvazione in Senato il 28 giugno di un emendamento che blocca la fornitura all’Egitto dei

Please help save the next generation of Egypt’s Christians

By | 2015-06-18T11:42:09-04:00 June 18th, 2015|Press Releases|

Dear friends of VOICE OF THE COPTS,   If you read our pages each day and listen to the news, you will learn quickly about the relentless campaign of terror against the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East -- the pillaging, burning, raping, the selling of young Christian girls into slavery, the murdering of

Syria’s Latest Blow on Lebanon: Goat Plague

By | 2015-04-10T16:08:44-04:00 April 10th, 2015|Press Releases|

The UN has launched an emergency vaccination campaign against lumpy skin disease and goat plague among animals brought to Lebanon by refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict, a report said Thursday.   Some of the 1.5 million refugees have brought with them large numbers of unvaccinated sheep, goats, cattle and other animals, raising concerns over the

An Open Letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner

By | 2015-03-11T00:55:46-04:00 March 11th, 2015|Press Releases|

                  Please allow me to congratulate you on your tremendous success in having Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu address Congress. The world needs to hear the truth from our friend, Israel. For decades Israel has suffered terrorist aggression from neighboring states.     Allowing Iran to have nuclear

Copts beheaded in Libya, Copt burned alive in Egypt

By | 2015-02-19T15:14:29-04:00 February 19th, 2015|Press Releases|

Once again, tragedy strikes the Coptic community with the brutal murders of twenty-one Christian Copts in Libya. Living under constant threat of a hate-driven and blood-thirsty Islam, Copts of Egypt have learned to expect anything at any time, and mourners go about the streets. A few days ago a young Coptic man was burned alive