I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.
Complaint to Voice of the Copts Urgent Case About Zaky Samier Zaky's Case ( Egyptian Christian Coptic) CASE NUM 90 / 2009, in Abdeen Palace, The presidency of Republican-CAIRO-EGYPT. - The Egyptian Interior Ministry   - Egyptian state security service Violation of the rights of the Coptic Christian minority in Egypt. .Racial persecution in the treatment to Coptic Christians in Egypt. By his uncle Father / Aghabeos Elmoharkee Priest monk St. MARY'S MONASTERY AL-MUHARRAQ ,EL-QUOSIA , ASSIUT, EGYPT. 15-NOV-2009 www.almuharraqmonastery.com CONTACT CALL: 002 0198933462 FAX: 00202-26907184 E-MAIL: fraghabeoselmoharkee@gmail.com