U.S. drone kills 5 al-Qaeda operatives in South Yemen
Al-Qaeda has strengthened its hold on southern areas of the Arabian Peninsula country during the past year of protests against veteran ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh, who left office in February.
Al-Qaeda has strengthened its hold on southern areas of the Arabian Peninsula country during the past year of protests against veteran ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh, who left office in February.
The Brotherhood said it changed tack after reviewing other candidates in the race and after parliament, where its Freedom and Justice Party controls the biggest bloc
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan sent shudders through the secular opposition earlier this year when he said his goal was to raise a “religious youth.” Earlier this month, his AK Party sprang the surprise proposal to overhaul the education system.
The self-styled Islamist militant tore a wound in France’s fragile sense of community when he gunned down the soldiers, sons of North African immigrant families like his own, and then a rabbi and three Jewish children - all in the name of al-Qaeda.
Iran is still supplying weapons to Gaza, but they are intended for groups other than Hamas, according to the Israel Defense website.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tells Turkish PM Erdogan: Iran will defend the Syrian regime due to its anti-Israeli stance.
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-led parliament begins drawing up a no-confidence motion against the military-appointed government .
Soldiers in a watchtower in Bethlehem caught Arab rioters hurling stones and firebombs at their position on video.
The arrests in Toulouse in the southwest, Nantes and Le Mans in western France, and in the Paris region, were carried out by mostly by DCRI domestic intelligence agency, with the national police’s elite RAID unit providing support in some cases
Masked rioters attacked IDF troops at Kalandia as a part of Land Day protests; tear gas, high-frequency sound, and 'skunk' spay employed.