Somaliland votes under tight security
The leader of Somalia's al-Qaeda inspired Shabab was born in Somaliland -- and many in the breakaway state fear he could now derail their two-decade-old bid for international recognition.
The leader of Somalia's al-Qaeda inspired Shabab was born in Somaliland -- and many in the breakaway state fear he could now derail their two-decade-old bid for international recognition.
Sudanese police briefly detained more than 20 models, make-up artists and designers after a rare mixed-sex fashion show in Khartoum, participants said on Saturday.
A senior Taliban commander disguised in woman's clothes was killed by Afghan and international forces when he fired on troops trying to catch him south of Kabul, the military said Saturday.
Israel responded late on Thursday night to a series of terrorist mortar shell and rocket attacks from Gaza that took place earlier in the day. IAF planes hit three terror-related targets in the area.
Gaza terrorists unleashed a barrage of mortar shells at Israeli towns in the northern Negev on Thursday. At least 12 shells were fired over the course of the afternoon and evening.
Senior Hamas terrorist and elected Palestinian Authority lawmaker Mohammed Abu-Tir must leave Jerusalem by Friday. Abu-Tir was ordered out by Israeli police on Wednesday night, Arab media reported.
An oil spill from an Egyptian rig has polluted several tourist sites along a large stretch of coastline along the Red Sea.
The Iranian morality court has fined a woman $224 for the immoral act of wearing nail polish in public on “four and a half†of her fingers.
Hamas has flatly refused Red Cross visits to kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit because the terrorist organization fears the contacts would encourage Israel to try to conduct a raid and free him from his captivity, a Hamas spokesman told an Arabic language newspaper Wednesday.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of Pakistan and Kuwait, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has been in U.S. custody since March 2003, but it is still not clear when or where he will be tried.