Hamas Accuses Egypt of Killing 4 Tunnel Smugglers
The Hamas terrorist organization that rules Gaza has accused Egypt of killing four smugglers Wednesday by pumping gas into a tunnel under the border. Six other smugglers were injured.
The Hamas terrorist organization that rules Gaza has accused Egypt of killing four smugglers Wednesday by pumping gas into a tunnel under the border. Six other smugglers were injured.
Moroccan Jews fear the local cemetery might be next on the chopping block, after a former Jewish hospital in Tangiers, Morocco was abruptly razed by authorities.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) will release its tenth annual report on nations committing egregious violations of religious freedom on April 29.
Concerned that Christian groups are not fully realizing the threat posed by an expansion of Shari’a (Islamic law) in the West, the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) is calling upon churches to stand against global attempts to enshrine it.
Hezbollah has shot back at US accusations it was stockpiling sophisticated weapons and vowed to continue to build its artillery, in comments published on Wednesday.
Three cars destroyed and some buildings set on fire. The origin of the attack a rumor that Christians wanted to build a chapel within the center. Hundreds of local police fail to stop the raid, but police chief promises justice.
Nigeria's Senate has ordered an investigation into reports that one of its members has married a 13-year-old Egyptian girl.
Douglas J.Hagmann, Director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, has written of “extensive†Islamic infiltration into American prison systems. Excerpts from his most recent article on the topic:
A Muslim politician chosen to become a minister in a German state says she wants to ban crucifixes
A Palestinian cleric preaching on Hamas TV said the volcano in Iceland and the volcanic ash that paralyzed European air travel were sent by Allah to punish "Infidels and polytheists with fear and terror."