Ashraf Ramelah’s Letter to Churches for Voice of the Copts

Ashraf Ramelah’s Letter to Churches for Voice of the Copts

By | 2014-03-18T17:02:41-04:00 March 18th, 2014|Reports|0 Comments
After personal encounters with various Christian denominations I was prompted to write the following letter.
Please feel free to print copies and distribute to churches in your community.
Dear Church Leaders
Is your church paying homage to Islam? Did your church fall prey to the disinformation campaign spread by Islamic influencers as a part of stealth Jihad in America? Are your congregants being led to accept rather than denounce an evil system factually known to hate Christians and Jews? 
Has your church said yes to Islam?
You can answer yes to this question if you have been involved in interfaith talks inclusive of Islam which feeds you falsified information from Muslim organization in programs prompted by the Whitehouse interfaith movement headed by Eboo Patel. You can answer yes to this if your church calendar has Ramadan marked so that suddenly you have awareness of this Muslim religious holiday. 
You can answer yes to this if your sanctuary contains the crescent and star symbol in some form. You can answer yes if you believe that Islam is an Abrahamic faith as described and promoted by Islam’s false propaganda campaign working through its religious arm to achieve political supremacy in the West.
If your answer is yes, you and your church are responding as expected to a serious disinformation campaign to persuade your hearts toward a religious system which is a frontrunner for Islamic Sharia (Islamic religious law) to infiltrate America. 
Don’t be a part of this. This is NOT the way for Christians to demonstrate love for the unsaved. 
Get the facts about deception.
Don’t be an exploited church. History proves that ideological deception leads the naïve Westerner to accept a political ideology (positioned by freedom of religion) which in turn leads to legal concessions (special privileges in the community). This eventually leads to imbedded preferential treatment for the growing Islamic population. The final goal is subjugation of non-Islamic religions through a significantly altered American legal system. This whole process is visible now in the West through behaviors (customs) of cultural gender apartheid – a known symbol of the presence of Jihad.  
A reliable source of information
Your best source of information are Christians from the Middle East who are willing to reveal the persecution suffered when Islam is in control – those Christians who know the Arabic language of Allah and the Koran by forced schooling and who, through life’s experience, understand intimately the lethal ideology of Islam and its religion-hype, its organization and its leaders.
Draw your line in the sand
It’s never too late to reverse your position and SAY NO to joining with ideological forces that foster and promote discriminatory practices against Christians. These are mandated by abrogation within Islamic sacred texts. Kidnapping, murder, polygamy and wife beating are justified and religiously approved. But you are led to believe quite the opposite. Your friendly neighborhood mosque is in America to appear benign (in agreement with Western ideals) and different from the Islam of the Middle East. 
Please contact Voice of the Copts by email at: Request a FREE consultation and a FREE Living Room Lecture. Thank you.
Best regards,
Ashraf Ramelah
President and founder of Voice of the Copts
P.S. Voice of the Copts is a non-profit 501c3 educating the public in the history, background and current events of Islamic persecution of Egyptian Christians.