Voice of the Copts’ plea for justice in Egypt

Voice of the Copts’ plea for justice in Egypt

By | 2013-07-23T23:08:27-04:00 July 23rd, 2013|Press Releases|0 Comments
Plea for justice in Egypt: Egyptian military must go all the way.
With the help of foreign countries, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood together with Hamas is working to destabilize Egypt upon the successful overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Egyptian President, Mohammad Morsi. 
Muslim Brotherhood leaders hold to President Morsi’s promise of bloodshed and a fight in order to reinstate their power. More than 20 days ago, Morsi was asked to step down at the request of 30 million Egyptian freedom lovers, and still, Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood supporters refuse to accept the will of the people, regularly spreading violence among innocent citizens and killing Egyptian military personnel.  
Muslim Brotherhood leader, Al Beltaghi, admitted Brotherhood use of intimidation and terror in Sinai (and likewise in the streets), announcing from the Al Adawyia ghetto of Cairo a few days ago that, “all these terrorist actions in Sinai will stop immediately once the army allows Morsi to return and the coup is concluded.” For Al Beltaghi, distorting Egypt’s revolutionary action, referring to it as a “military coup,” legitimizes their violence to regain control. 
Muslim Brotherhood attacked and killed nine people and injured many others in Tahrir Square on July 22nd. A suspicious road accident on Al Alameen highway was responsible for deaths of 17 Egyptian soldiers. Likewise, soldiers are dying and suffering injuries in Sinai from Muslim Brotherhood backlash. 
Voice of the Copts: Now is the moment to chop off the head of the serpent.
The new Egyptian Internal Minister, Mohammed Ibrahim, must stand his ground on behalf of all Egyptian people by arresting and holding for trial every terrorist still operating within the hierarchy of the Muslim Brotherhood and implicated by the secret documents found in their offices (and in Morsi’s presidential office), as well as all persons attempting acts of terror or instigating violence. 
Al Jazeera broadcasting operations as well as other media influencing the spread of terror and violence in Egypt must be shut down by the Egyptian military. 
To prevent Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists from crossing into Egypt, the Egyptian military must secure Egypt’s border with Sinai as well as destroy all smuggling tunnels between the two countries – most built during Mubarak’s era and Morsi’s term. The Egyptian military must secure Egypt’s border with Libya for the same reasons.   
No stone left unturned is the mandate for the Egyptian military acting on behalf of Egyptian freedom fighters.
All members of the disbanded SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces) must be arrested as soon as possible. Most importantly, former SCAF leader, Field Marshal Tantawy, must be captured immediately and interrogated. He must be brought to trial for conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian people during his interim reign. Tantawy is responsible for Egypt’s prolonged suffering due to his dishonest brokering of the country and handing Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood when he had the trust of the Egyptian people and freedom fighters.     
Egypt’s freedom movement needs the overwhelming support of the international community.
The momentum now underway by the Egyptian army — decisive actions now being taken, purposeful and unwavering, to eradicate the infernal Muslim Brotherhood and dislodge what has not worked for Egypt is good for the free world.  
These initial steps are the only way to attain a direct path toward a secure and peaceful Egypt establishing its best potential for democracy. Therefore, Voice of the Copts appeals to all civil and free nations of the world to support the efforts of Egyptian freedom forces and the leaders now in charge on their arduous journey in pursuit of noble goals: liberty, equality and human rights.  
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah
Voice of the Copts
founder and President 
SION board member